This course was designed for:
- Trained Industry Technicians
- Vocational School Instructors and Students
- All Members of the Heating Industry
In 2020, Beckett was proud to be chosen as one of the featured Technical Training Partners the 2020 Eastern Energy Expo Virtual Conference brought to you by Oil and Energy Service Professionals (OESP). Our Pumps and Piping training session was one (1) of four (4) webinars in our program each designed to help you expand your foundation and drive your success as a technician. The Pumps and Piping webinar focuses on getting oil to the burner with a discussion on the issues and consequences of using 2 pipe oil supply systems to give contractors a better understanding the oil supply system including single pipe versus two pipe systems along with simple principles on vacuum. This webinar is approximately 50 minutes and includes both a presentation and a period for Q&A with our industry-renowned Technical Training Team. You will also have access to download a PDF of the presentation slides for each lesson.